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  • Phone: (919)772-8078
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  • Mailing Address: 4309 Auburn Knightdale Road Raleigh, NC 27610



Purchasing Agent Position

Please fill out the following application below for the Purchasing Agent Position.

Before applying, please read the detailed job description linked below.

Purchasing Agent Job Description

SBC Employment Application



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Camp Hours: Mon-Fri 7AM-4PM

Are you a U.S. Citizen?*

Have you ever been convicted of a felony?*

list any related certifications and licenses obtained for this work field.

Explain any training received related to this position

Employer Address*


( )   -

What date did you start at this place of employment?

What date did your employment end?

Employer Address


( )   -

Provide THREE professional references that can be contacted.

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Upload your resume and other additional documents. If you have issues uploading, please email documents to  personnel@springfieldbaptistchurch.com.

Please direct all questions to personnel@springfieldbaptistchurch.com 

Upload your resume